Friday, March 22, 2013

BIG DAY - Three hospitals - Five Appts

8:00 am at Humber River
Our visit with Dr. K, oncologist was good and bad, I guess.  She has decided to go ahead with Chemo.
Bad news, all three doctors, (urologist, Dr. K at Humber and Dr. C at Princess Margaret are ALL scratching their heads and throwing out a possibility that he has a plasma cytoma.  (myeloma ball-tumour) which happens in 2% of men with multiple myeloma.  She recommends a biopsy to be sure.  She has never done one in this area.  Tony is her first testicular biopsy.  THERE!  I said it.  I have Tony's permission to use it.  We needed to be at TG (Toronto General) for 11am.  The staff at Humber River was incredible on getting us out of there.  We did chemo and picked up prescriptions all in two hours.  What a record.   Mind you the blood work was done the day before.  Those results came in good.

11:00am at TGH (Toronto General Hospital).
This appointment was in the nuclear cardiology department.  They performed a test to ensure his heart can tolerate the bone marrow transplant.  A dye was used to track heart function and blood flow.  All ok.

12:00pm  Nice quick lunch at Swiss Chalet with Tony's sister.

1:30pm at PMH (Princess Margaret Hospital)
This appointment was with Andrew, the transplant co-coordinator.  Tony was on day one of steroids.  Andrew did not like Tony interrupting his speech on what to expect in the next few days.  I warned him...LOL
After 10 minutes, we clued in that he was not aware of Tony's situation with the myeloma ball.  So, we interrupted again and started with "this is important".  LOL  He didn't know.  Dr. C didn't inform him.  She was away at a conference and he left the room to see if he could contact her.  Upon his return, we are informed that the harvesting, high dose chemo and transplant is all on hold till results of biopsy.  Should the biopsy prove to be a myeloma ball, radiation will be used to treat it :(  In the meantime, the regular chemo will continue.  Will not harm this myeloma ball.  His advice was to let the urologist do the biopsy as she would have more experience in this rather than the oncologist.  The next appointment with her isn't for another 2 weeks.  We are trying to push that closer.  Andrew recommends we continue with the next appointments as they are scheduled and need to be done anyways.
We have a family wedding coming up soon and we don't know if it's a good idea to have Tony go.  Andrew recommends not attending as there will be lots of hand shaking and hugging and kissing.  We're Italian!  Andrew feels that we should err on the safe side as Tony cannot have another complication before transplant. :(  I think we need to take this advice.  They know better.

2:00pm at PMH Dentistry
Interesting appointment.  He basically did x-rays and checked for cavities and future possible complications. The monthly 2 hour drips that he receives (Pamidronate)apparently interferes with tooth removals.   Must only be done at PMH if he ever needs one.  This drug lasts 12 years!  WOW!  Regular dentist can do cleanings, cavities and root canals only.  All ok at the dentist for now.

3:00pm at TGH
Appointment was with pulmonary & respiratory function.  Same thing, just testing his lungs to see if he is well enough for transplant.  All ok.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, BUT TODAY, I'm not feeling it.

Second Urologist Appt

Appointment was last Tuesday.
Well, things aren't getting better "down there".  Still swollen and in fact perhaps getting bigger.  (A matter of judgement)  She, Dr. S. is scratching her head.  Cannot understand why the fluid build up isn't going away.
Tony is in no pain & no fever.  Infection?  Dr. S has decided to give him "3" different types of antibiotics starting yesterday. (Thursday)
Suprax 400mg Cefixime
Ofloxacin 400mg
SDZ-Azithromycin 250mg

What the heck!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chemo Day #17 - Hold the chemo

Thursday was supposed to be his first day of his 5th "cycle" with chemo.  (4 weeks is a cycle.  that's how they keep track) All delayed.  That's two chemo sessions on hold.  His pelvic gland area continues to be swollen and not getting better.  Definitely fluid build up as per ultra sound.  Antibiotics are not physically showing improvement.  It's been three weeks on antibiotics!! Tony's fears a big needle to drain it or take a sample of the fluid.......Ouch!
Tuesday is the urology appointment follow up.  We shall see.
Thursday is our BIG day at Humber River, Princess Margaret and Toronto General.  Three hospitals in one day.  Not quite like bar hopping is it?  We shall see how that day goes.  We may find out the day booked for  transplant.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Urologist Appointment

Monday he saw a urologist.  They think it's a clogged gland which is creating swelling and fluid build up.  Urine tests showed no infection.  However, she agreed with the oncologist to continue with the two antibiotics and following up again next week.
Sleep is good!!!!!!!!
Love those sleeping pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

We both slept!

The sleeping pills worked.  He did wake up to use the "facilities", but was able to fall back asleep.
Ah, nothing greater than a good nights sleep!
Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chemo Day #16 - but, no chemo administered

Well, his infection continues.  Actually, worse, not better.  Very inflamed. No fever symptoms.
The routine started all the same.  Blood work is good.  Numbers are where they should be.
However, the visit with the doctor was surprising.  She feels that the chemo might be interfering with the antibiotics from the past two weeks.  We got an immediate ultra sound appointment just to see if there's something else going on.  The technician advised Tony to see his doctor ASAP.  Felt he needed meds.  So, back up to the oncology department.  Fortunately, the entire staff was still there, including the doctor.  She prescribed two different types of antibiotics for a further two weeks.
Also, she booked an appointment with a specialist for this as she hasn't experienced this type of swelling.  Doesn't feel it's related to multiple myeloma.
ALSO, Tony continues to be sleepless at home......which means I'm not getting my rest either.  I miss my straight 7 hours.  Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but she recommended chamomile tea and melatonin at night before bed.  He did get about 3 hours straight, but that was it.  So, today, she commented on how tired he looked and decided to prescribe sleeping pills.  She says he needs to be well rested and strong for the transplant coming up soon.  We shall see how tonight goes.  Day one of Steriods which means he is high energy today.  OMG!  Drugs to pump him up and drugs to pump him down :(