Thursday, February 20, 2014

2nd Transplant is a go!

We are doing it all over again!
Today's appointment went really well.  Tony's numbers are great.  When the doctor first saw him, she commented on how much better he looked.  And, he really does!  He has peach fuzz on his face.  Body is still smooth like a baby's bum, but his beard is coming back! And, he's excited about it.
We have had about three "back to normal" weeks.  It's been great.  I must admit we both let our guards down a bit with regards to staying healthy.  Around Monday, he began with a runny nose.  Clear fluid.  Then me, and now one of our sons.  Not good.  His blood pressure did drop from a sitting position to a standing position.  Warned again about drinking 2-3 litres of fluids daily.  Again, we let our guard down on that too.
Fortunately, they felt that hydration was not necessary today.
They took a swab of his nose for testing.  We should know the results soon.  They still put him third on the list for a room for his transplant but, if those results come back positive, well, then they will put him on medication.  So, now we are waiting for that phone call.  Results or a room.
I am currently at home watching big thick snowflakes coming down.  This year has been exceptionally bad with snow falls.  Rain expected overnight.  Getting ready for a big meltdown.

Last evening, while out with some girlfriends, I taught them a new word:  Lampe Berger

I have cut and copied directly from to tell everyone it's purpose.  Having said that, I have reignited our lampe berger once again, to kill germs in the house.  I am the proud owner of two of them that were gifted to us.  I guess I spoke way too soon by telling everyone how healthy we've been!

Since its launch, LAMPE BERGER PARIS has been dedicated to purifying indoor air.
Invented in 1898, Lampe Berger’s catalytic diffusion system remains the best at fragrancing the air in your house while diffusing subtle fragrances.
LAMPE BERGER PARIS meets consumers’ high expectations in terms of indoor air purification, home fragrancing and innovative product design.

Find out more…

LAMPE BERGER PARIS has been fragrancing and purifying indoor air since 1898. It all began when Maurice Berger, a pharmacy dispenser, invented and patented the first lamp to purify the air in hospital wards. As living conditions improved, air quality became an important concern in the home and workplace.
1930: During this period of opulence where the taste for beautiful things was at its height, fragrances were incorporated which added a whole new dimension to the LAMPE BERGER experience. Lampe Berger became a collectors' item.
1990s : In 1997, LAMPE BERGER took the decision to restructure and create a Research and Development department dedicated to creating new ranges and improve overall product performance. Since then LAMPE BERGER have continued to evolve and innovate and currently have patents worldwide in over 20 countries.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Two weeks in a row now and all GREAT!

Today's appointment was great.  Everything is stable with regards to his blood work.  YAY!
At his next appointment, if all well, they plan on putting him on the list for his second transplant.
His next appointment is in TWO weeks.  We both have next week off!
I've already got ideas for my extra day next week.  LOL
He received his monthly dosage of the bone strengthening medication.  I cannot for the life of me remember it's name!  CANNOT!  It's very late and I'm very tired.
On a good note, Tony has had an amazing week.  Last weekend was and felt like pre cancer days. First time in months.  Seriously enjoyed ourselves.  His mood and attitude and voice and walk ---- all normal.
We ran errands together.  We visited a friend for coffee.  We went up north for the day.  Used the snow blower for about 10 minutes.  He even made an appearance at work!  (could be the dex=steroids....shshsh)
We are in a good place right now.
Feels good

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fund Raising: Run or Walk - June 22, 2014

Hi Everyone,

We are participating in the Journey to Conquer Cancer- Run or Walk and raising funds for Multiple Myeloma research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre on Sunday, June 22, 2014. 

With your help, we can raise funds needed for ground breaking research at The Princess Margaret. We are running or walking to benefit those currently fighting and be a part of a movement to save lives.

Every single person is different and at The Princess Margaret, cancer research is personalized to fit every individual's diagnosis, as we found out with Tony's cancer.

As one of the top 5 comprehensive cancer research centres in the world, The Princess Margaret is developing innovative cancer therapies that are changing cancer care for patients in Canada and around the world.  We are truly blessed to have this centre in our neighbourhood.

Thank you so much for your support and with your help, we will CONQUER CANCER IN OUR LIFETIME!


Here's the link to find out more information.