Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cycle Two of Chemo begins tomorrow

Just letting everyone know that this week has gone by great.  We saw the oncology clinic on Thursday and his hemoglobin continues to be in the triple digits (103).  His breathing is good.  His mind is VERY sharp. His appetite is ok.  Wish is was better, but he's eating enough to get by.  He has lost more weight.  His Achilles heal is bothering him and walks with a limp.  We went for a very short walk outside today.  It's a beautiful day.
Tomorrow he begins four days straight of IV chemo drip, as an in patient.
This is quite the formula: Dexamethasone, CISplatin, DOXOrubicin Cyclophosphamide and Etoposide.
We ask that no visitors come visit as this will take two weeks to recover from.  After which the harvesting will take place.  Waiting to hear back from Princess Margaret regarding more information.  I believe that on Friday or early next week, they will be doing another CT scan to see how the lymph nodes are doing.
Still needing your prayers.
I'll keep you posted with his progress.

Friday, September 20, 2013

A good week

Sometimes, the more you have on your plate, the more you accomplish!
Tony has been home now since Sunday.  We've both been really catching up on sleep and resting.  I haven't really done much work, although there's lots to do.

Monday was the first day for Home Care to visit.  They have to give him Neupogen, which boosts his white blood cells for five days straight with a needle.  They check his temperature, blood pressure and change the dressings on the PICC line (IV) and his nephrostomy bandages.
The first nurse was not a good one.  She said his blood pressure was 160/100.  Temperature was 37.4 and his wound on one of the nephrostomys looked infected.....holy smokes!  She left the house around 1:30-2:00.  I just looked at Tony and said, let's go to emerg.  Oncology clinic is open till 4:00 and the nurse practitioner that looked after him for 4 weeks is in till 4:00.  So off we went.  (keep in mind that I had to go to the hospital at 10am to pick up his prescription for the needle that same morning)
While in Emergency, during the Triage meeting, the nurse practitioner returned my call.  She freaked out.  Said she was on her way downstairs to us.  Found a room immediately.  Looked at his wound and his vital signs and said go home.  You're fine.  No infection.  Holy smokes!  So back home we go.  I guess it was better to be safe than sorry.
Five needles later, he continues to gain more strength.  Breathing is good.  Human plumbing system is working normally.  He is talking like the Tony I know and love.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Time to relax and enjoy life.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Well, this morning at 8am, I got the phone call from Tony,
saying "hurry up and get me.  I'm coming home!"
Not a text, but a phone call :)

These past couple of days he has shown a tremendous improvement.
His breathing is better now than when he was first admitted four weeks ago.
His attitude is back. (good thing!)
Today, he walked the farthest and longest in four weeks.
(Saturday, he actually went outside to walk his parents to the front and sat on a bench, getting fresh air)
Pneumonia is better.  Wheezing is no longer evident.
His plumbing functions are back to normal.
Nephrostomy tubes are still in, but capped.  His kidneys are functioning normally.  They decided to keep the tubes inside the kidneys in case he needs them for the next chemo treatment.  I think it's a good idea.   Chemo can be hard on the kidney, especially with Multiple Myeloma. They can stay in for 30 days. Home Care will be coming every day to monitor the wound and to administer a needle daily, for 5 days.  This is to increase his white cell count.  Can't remember the name right now.
For now, followup at the oncology clinic this week and next week.
For now, minimal contact with people.  Don't want to catch anything.
Tonight, let's hope he gets a great night's sleep.....Without nurses waking him up or hallway conversations with patients and staff outside his room.
More soon.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Two good days in a row

Even though they changed the release date from hospital, I still consider today a good day.
Two days in a row with improvements.
Still breathing heavily, but so much better.
Sitting upright in bed without my craning him up or using the bed buttons to lift him.
Less dependant on oxygen mask.  In fact he looked for it only twice today.
This morning he walked the entire 4th floor.
Weight loss, which is really most likely water retention.
Right foot is just about there with regards to the swelling going down.
Left foot is looking better, but still can't put his shoe on.  But clearly better.
We forgot to ask about his hemoglobin today.....
Bronchospopy showed no surprises after 48 hours of tests.  All ok.
Today at 1pm they capped off his nephrostomy tubes and at 3pm he had his first feeling of urinating and did it all on his own.  Every couple of hours he went.  Urologist feels that today and tomorrow won't be enough time to confirm functionality.  She wants him to stay till Sunday.  Doesn't want another set back.  Fear is that the bladder won't work and back up again in his kidneys and we would be back to two weeks ago.  I'm actually ok with that decision.  Better safe than sorry.  Don't want to deal with emergency on the weekend!  No way!
On Monday, Homecare will assess him with his needs and he'll most likely be sent home then.
Follow up appointment at the oncology clinic during the week to be done.
Two good days in a row.....
Nite everyone!
Sleep tight!

The caregiver

The caregiver: that's me, the wife.
I went to my family doctor Tuesday afternoon.  I'm truly exhausted.  We are starting week 4 of hospitals.  I cannot believe how fast time is going by.  I basically wake up, head down to hospital and then come home and go straight to bed!  Seriously.
My family doctor is not concerned with my blood pressure right now.  It is still within the high normal range. Her concern would have been if it was this high for many years, then it would have been an issue.  She acknowledged that I am going through a normal stressful period and that it's temporary.  However, she was quick to prescribe anti-depressants to take the edge off my stress.......Um, nope.  Not going there!  She did say that her offer would always be there for that prescription, if I changed my mind.  I'M NOT DEPRESSED!  Yes, I have a full plate, but not depressed.  So, I obviously declined.  In the meantime she said that weight loss (which I've had lots these past 3 weeks) and exercise reduces high blood pressure.  So, that night, on my way home I went to my brother's house and with his wife, the three of us went for a walk.   It was great releasing that tension in my chest and I must say, my heart wasn't racing like I thought it would.  Doctor recommended, that during the day, when Tony sleeps to just go outside and get some fresh air and walk around the block.  Great advice!  I'm going that route for now.  In the meantime, my blood pressure has gone down!!!  Horray!

Tony's brochoscopy (not sure of spelling)  That's a lung scope.
Kind of like an endoscopy.  The porters were one hour late getting him to the prep room.  Everyone, doctors, nurses, secretary,  kept putting stat on this delivery.  Too funny.  Off we went with the fan man.  They numbed his throat and did the procedure.  Doctor came out to talk to me and in his opinion, lungs looked normal.  Nothing really jumped out at him to say there might be a problem.  Good news.  The sample they took takes 48 hours to come back.  (that's today) Instructions were no food or drinks till 1:30pm.  Poor Tony was starving!  Like a baby, kept begging me for an ice cube or water or anything!  Too funny.  By 1:15 I gave in.  My brother brought him sausage links and bacon and hash browns to eat for breakfast at 7:30am, which he couldn't eat.  Poor Tony.  So I warmed it up and then he barely ate.  (After all that begging)
His day on Tuesday wasn't the greatest.  His breathing was difficult. Needed his oxygen mask too often, in my opinion. He was exhausted.  No energy.  Coughing up phlegm and blood.  Nurses said the Blood was from the procedure.  He did have a much better sleep on Tuesday night.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, the nurse practitioner swarmed me to say how great Tony looked and how great he was doing.  They all care for Tony on this floor.  All the nurses know me as I'm always there. Great support. Great staff. (except the one who yanked his nephrostomy out)
When I walked in the room, it was clear to me what she meant.  He looked like my Tony that I know and love.  Yesterday, was a good day......

"I'm thinking he can go home this Friday" seems to be the quote of the day.  By nurses and doctors.  We shall see how his day is today......
Have a great one everybody!


Monday, September 9, 2013

The Fan Man

This morning we saw his regular oncologist who was back from vacation.  Looks like the plan is to heal this pneumonia first before moving forward.  Also, his legs and feet are really swollen.  Can't fit into his slippers.  One doctor prescribed another type of medication to remove fluid from skin.  I hope it works.  It will be administered all night long tonight.

Also, word is that one cycle of chemo is done every 4-5 weeks.  He will most likely have to wait until that 4th week to begin his chemo cycle from Day 1 again.  I'm hoping that they can do it on week 3 as he did not receive the full dosage the first time.  They say his bone marrow needs healing time before the next cycle.  Time will tell.  They will assess closer to the time.  They will discuss further with PMH on their thoughts.

Back to this morning, if you recall, that nurse who yanked his nephrostomy on that Friday night.....well we were hoping that this morning they would "repair" it.  Poor Tony has been laying down in a bed with kidney fluids leaking on him....not nice.  Everyone said it was ok, so we go with the flow.   Three doctors later and reminding the nurses where the heck the team in radiology was to repair this thing, it finally came to an end. Can't fix it.  Have to redo it.....YIKES!  So at 3pm today down he went to radiology.  Now he's been sweating from the shoulders up for months now.  For his hospital stay, a family member bought a bright yellow battery operated fan.  It goes with him everywhere.  Sits on his belly and blows in his face.  Cools him down.  When we got to the department (and you see the same staff members over and over) they said "hey! it's the fan man!"  Too funny!
They had to insert a thicker tube than the existing one.  YIKES!  Remember people, he's awake for this procedure, laying on his huge belly totally uncomfortable!  Thank goodness I had friends there to defer the tension during this procedure.  (45 minutes) As he came out and saw us, he said it was the worst, most painful thing he's had to go through since this entire journey.  Even tonight he said that one kidney was bothering him.  Apparently, kidneys are very sensitive.
He ate his dinner at the edge of the bed sitting up.  It is encouraged that any fluids or food be taken in an upright position.
Tomorrow they are doing a broncho something.  Can't remember.  9am  They go into his throat, down to the lungs and take a sample.  It will tell them what type of infection he has.  Making sure they are giving him the right antibiotics to make him well fast!
Feeling those positive vibes from everyone today!
Thank you!
Nite everyone.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A very rough morning.

Overnight he usually emails me.  My overnight crew do as well.  It makes me feel better when I wake up all anxious, to know that things are going along ok.  But nothing in the early morning hours.  I started panicking.  Tony did send a note saying all ok and that he had 2% left of battery life.  But he always says he's ok, even when he's not!  So, the anxiety began again.
When I got there he was wheezing terribly and cackling sounds in lungs.  His eyes looked red and feverish.  But no fever.  Coughed a bit of phlegm.  Doctors ordered the crew to come to his room for an xray. (we never did get results!) A lung specialist came by to see him.  An ICU rep came by to see if he needed to be in ICU for a bit.  (no)  And someone came by to take blood to check out the acid levels or something.  Can't remember.  To rule out a blood infection as well.  Not sure why they're doing this as he has no fever.  Must remember to ask the doctor tomorrow. Around 11am he fell asleep for about 1.5 hours.  Obviously a rest he so needed because when he awoke he was more alert and with it.  Breathing was a bit better.  Oh, I forgot! The doctors ordered two units of blood for his transfusion overnite and in the morning they gave him a diaretic to get rid of fluids.  Well, it all worked.  Just in time for his mom's visit, cause he was great!
No appetite all day long.  Around 5ish he had some of his mom's lunch and then around 8 had more food from family members.  YAY.  Appetite is back.  Good sign.
Plan is to heal from this pneumonia and return to day 1 of chemo.
Left him alone for the night.  We all need to rest.
All of us!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Non c'e due senza il tre

Translation:  There is no two without three

So here's my logic.  Three times he had his stem cell harvesting appointment and three times it got cancelled.
Back in March it was cancelled because of the testicle problem.
Back in May/June because of the lymph nodes.
And yesterday we found out that it was scheduled a third time for mid September.  Well, guess what, he now has pneumonia.
So, I believe that this is our last brick wall towards getting those stem cells harvested.

Yesterday morning when I first saw him, his breathing was not the same.  He felt warm to the touch from head to toe.   I hunted the doctor down on the floor and he listened to his lungs and guess what?  Fluid buildup. But, no fever.  So off to CT scan (not xray) he goes to get confirmation.  Both lower lungs show the infection.  Do we stop chemo? is the question of the hour.
Well, since chemo kills his immunity, it seems pretty obvious, but we still had one doctor seriously thinking about doing both chemo and the end, it was stopped in the afternoon :(
His blood work did show that he was responding to the chemo, which is good news.  He only received 50% of the required dosage.  So the plan is to re assess him in the next couple of days and decide then.
In the meantime, my stress levels have been up the roof.  Today just did me in.  My blood pressure was 151/98.  Not good.  What scared me was my lightheadedness.  I decided to go downstairs to emergency to check it out.  While in emergency, Robert texts me to say that he spilled water and the nurse was changing him and she pulled at his nephrostomy cord and broke the connection!!!!!  OMG  What else can go wrong today.  It was leaking all over him.  Back upstairs I go to check things out.  This is a direct open line to his kidney.  (left side)  Not exactly a good thing to happen. Open wounds like infections.  Radiology can't come till Monday so they consulted with urologist and they did a makeshift pouch to collect urine.  Not impressed.
In the meantime, it was time for me to go home.  One of Tony's oncologists on call noticed my name in Emergency and called my cell to check up on me!  Awe, how sweet is that?  At 10:00pm!
God bless you Dr. A.
I am glad to say that I had the best sleep and rest of my life.  With the help of a little pill.
The night shift crew (Paola & Fior) watching Tony reported that he was coughing up lots of phlegm and was breathing better.
Still needing those prayers everyone.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chemo has begun

It was started yesterday, September 4th at 11am.
The prep work before was intense.  Leading up to the actual delivery was even worse!
They prepped him with lots of hydration, anti nausea and Ativan to relax.  By the time it was all hooked, he was sleeping peacefully.
I was there with his sister and afterwards my sister-in-law joined me in a meeting basically informing us of what to expect.  Very informative.  Actually put me at ease.  All the side effects of chemo are all taken care of with meds to combat it.
It will be a two week process.  Four days of chemo, 7th day will be his lowest immunity and the second week will be getting better.  Not sure if and when they plan on releasing him.  I personally think he still needs to be monitored closely.
Tony slept most of the day.  The anti nausea made him dopey and slurring his words.
Today, I believe these past two weeks finally caught up with me!  I'm exhausted and have lots of work to do with the office that has just simply been put aside.  Priorities.  I took advantage of his sister coming over at 1 and I basically went home to sleep for a bit and am currently getting caught up on stuff.   He will always have someone by his side during this chemo treatment.  We are taking turns watching him and getting anything that he needs.
This morning he had a cough.  He wanted to get up and was encouraged to walk down the hall and back!  That was good.  Really good.  But was spent afterwards.  His breathing continues to be difficult with walking and talking.  My friend came in the morning and gave his feet and legs a great massage!  She even massaged his neck and shoulders.  He slept through most of it....LOL
Anyways, I'm going to get cracking on much needed bookkeeping stuff for the office and then heading back to the hospital.
Keep those prayers and wishes going everyone!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We need your prayers this week

Tony's kidney function has improved since his procedure.  He continues to be so brave and strong willed, just like we know him.  Always positive.
This morning he was coughing up some phlegm which was concerning the doctors.  They immediately got an x-ray done of nasal and lungs to rule out pneumonia.  All good with the results.
They have decided to go ahead with the chemo treatment. Their concern right now is his current health and beginning the chemo at a weak state. But we need these lymph nodes shrunk!  He will be monitored big time!  It will be administered in the morning for 24 hours for 4 straight days. He will always have a family member present with him during this time.
We ask that friends and family respect our wishes with regards to no visitors.

We will need your prayers and blessings this week.
Customers of Delor, please be patient as my brother and our two sons help to continue to run the business during this stressful time for us.
God bless.
Good night.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Two procedures: Picc line and Nephrostomy

Wasn't much to report yesterday (Saturday).  We had a few visitors and passed our day doing nothing.  I have found a comfy way to fall asleep in a chair, leaning on the window sill with a pillow.  Not bad!  I only need power naps to keep me going.
Today, however, was very stressful for both of us I'm sure!  Tony has been so brave during this entire hospital stay.  My brother and sister-in-law came to keep me company during this procedure.  Took 2 hours and 45 minutes!!!  Waiting is so hard.  He had a picc line done on his arm with the help of x-rays and he had both his kidneys done with a procedure called nephrostomy.  Awake!!!  Yikes!   He now is fashioning a pouch on both sides collecting "liquids".  The doctor this morning said his potassium was high so they gave him something for that.  They are on it, making sure all tests are done and monitored.  Tomorrow morning let's see what the blood work shows.  We need these kidneys to heal in order to initiate the chemo.  Looks like it's been delayed another two days because of his kidneys.  In the meantime, his breathing continues to be laboured and passing urine naturally, still isn't happening........

I know we have lots of people praying and rooting for him!  Keep them coming people!  
An early nite for me.
Looking forward to lots of zzzzzzzzzz.