Today's appointment was great. Everything is stable with regards to his blood work. YAY!
At his next appointment, if all well, they plan on putting him on the list for his second transplant.
His next appointment is in TWO weeks. We both have next week off!
I've already got ideas for my extra day next week. LOL
He received his monthly dosage of the bone strengthening medication. I cannot for the life of me remember it's name! CANNOT! It's very late and I'm very tired.
On a good note, Tony has had an amazing week. Last weekend was and felt like pre cancer days. First time in months. Seriously enjoyed ourselves. His mood and attitude and voice and walk ---- all normal.
We ran errands together. We visited a friend for coffee. We went up north for the day. Used the snow blower for about 10 minutes. He even made an appearance at work! (could be the dex=steroids....shshsh)
We are in a good place right now.
Feels good
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