Sunday, June 29, 2014

My husband, "the luckiest man in the world"

We have been truly blessed these past two days.  We have had tremendous support from family & friends.  I am finding my strength in this love.  Tony has been brave, courageous, funny & complimentary.  He has been having great conversations with everyone who comes to see him.  Telling many stories, making each and every one feel special.  Every text I receive from people asking if they can come.....I ask Tony and he looks at me saying ya!  Let them come!  He is definitely putting on the charm and grace with everyone.  Some very strong and others not so strong.  But that's ok.  Everyone handles these situations differently.  Two years ago, I would have been part those not so strong. We have been having many bonding moments and making special moments. Life is so precious.  Perhaps moments like these make us realize just how short life is on earth.  Both Tony and I are so proud of our two sons.  They each have a piece of their dad and I know that moving forward, Tony will be living through them.  Shining through them.
I would like to give a special thank you to my night crew because if it weren't for them, I would not be getting my rest to go another day.  I love and appreciate all that they're doing.
Although Tony is getting much weaker, he is still accepting visitors.  However, please text me on Tuesday, before heading down.  We would love to transfer him to another unit that deal with palliative care.  I just don't know when that will happen.
May God bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers are with you, Tony & your beautiful children & the whole family during at this moment.....God Bless Mary
